When this specific bacteria is denied oxygen, it produces new substances. Substances that have the potential to be used in cancer treatments or…
Associate Professor Jens Vinge Nygaard is the newly appointed Distinguished Senior Innovator at the Faculty of Technical Sciences at Aarhus…
Danish farmers can significantly reduce their CO2 emissions by capturing methane from slurry tanks, according to researcher Anders Peter Adamsen from…
Are you a parent or parent-to-be navigating life as a researcher at Nat-Tech? Then you have the opportunity to meet others in the same situation in a…
Members of staff and guests can now charge their electric or hybrid cars for a set length of time while parked at AU. A total of 25 EV charging bays…
Less air travel was one of the focus areas when Aarhus University unveiled its climate action plan for 2024 back in March. Departments and centres at…
Background checks on researchers and PhD students from high-threat countries will become part of the recruitment procedure at AU this autumn.…
We have gathered important information about some updated internal processes and workflows for everyone to familiarise themselves with.
Compass Group has won the contract to operate the canteens in the Nobel Park, at the Department of Dentistry and Oral Health, the Social Sciences…
Guiding principles for work-related use of GAI (generative artificial intelligence) are now in place for staff and managers. If you follow these seven…
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