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Clarissa Schwab has been appointed professor at Aarhus University. She will pioneer new knowledge on how we can use microorganisms to enrich our food…
Denmark is to double the area of organic agricultural land by 2030, and there is only one way forward according to a new professor at the Department…
New research from Aarhus University has revealed how we can make it much cheaper to capture and convert CO2 from industry for usable products. The…
2024 is close to the end and because of this there are many things you must be aware of and many things you must remember to do. Below you will find…
As a researcher, you have to comply with numerous requirements - both internal and external. Many of the requirements may seem similar at first…
You can apply for EIC Pathfinder if your research and innovation ideas meet the criteria to develop future breakthroughs and market creation within…
Centre for Circular Bioeconomy (CBIO) and Food & Bio Cluster Denmark (FBCD) invites all with an interest in industrial organic waste streams to…
On Wednesday 5 March, AU will host Lex's New Year's Eve party. We hope that you and your fellow researchers will join us in celebrating that we have…
This course is aimed at employees and PhD-students at AU who wish to qualify for the ability to deliver science-based advice, e.g. for policy making.
- Stop/contain the accident without causing harm to yourself - Call 112 - Evacuate if necessary - Call the emergency number 87 15 16 17