Travelling and climate policy

Changing our travel habits is a crucial step in achieving Aarhus University's goal of reducing its CO2 emissions. 

In general, AU's travel policy explicitly encourages us to look at our own travel habits and reconsider the way we travel. Naturally, this consideration is based on whether it is practical and time-efficient for the individual.

Travelling by plane

Specifically for travelling by plane, Tech has adopted three key principles. The key principles must be followed by all employees when a flight is booked. The principles headlines can be found below, while a more in-depth review can be found here.

  1. No domestic flights.
  2. Prioritise direct flights.
  3. Book travels through AU's travel agency CWT.

5 key points when considering travelling

  • Challenge the extent of physical meetings in existing, well-established networks.
  • Is the travel necessary? Can it be replaced by a virtual meeting or planned closer to your geographical location?
  • Choose the most climate-friendly mode of travel wherever possible, and take trains rather than planes if the travel time by train is less than 5 hours each way.
  • Book travel through AU's travel agency CWT, as they can pull data on CO2 emissions related to the journey for use in measuring AU's climate impact.
  • When travelling by plane, direct flights should be prioritised, as CO2 emissions are particularly high when the plane takes off and lands.

Travel booking

For information about official travel, hotel booking, air and train travel, read more on AU's page on travel booking.

Settlement of expenses and travel

All purchases on behalf of AU must be settled either via RejsUd, REEX or IndFak. In RejsUd and REEX, you must upload documentation when settling, e.g. receipts, invoices or the like.

Read more about settlement of expenses and travels here.