Important information on holidays, ProMark and new HR-system from 2023
Find information about the end of ProMark and start of mitHR from 2023, registering working hours and signing off in ProMark, and reporting remaining holidays for 2022
Make sure to report all holidays for 2022
Most of you have already reported all your holidays for 2022, but if some of you have still not reported holidays/holiday changes to you must do this no later than 20 December 2022.
Remember that all earned holidays with pay will be standard registered as a starting point. Do you take your holidays differently than suggested in the standard periods you must remember to inform about your actual holidays and which standard holidays you wish to be deleted.
At BCE's employee portal you will find more details about the holiday procedures.
Register working hours in ProMark and remember to sign off (only ProMark users)
Do you register you working hours/project time in ProMark you must remember to do the registration BEFORE you go on Christmas holiday.
On the last day of work, before the holidays, it is possible for you to register for the entire month and sign off the weeks.
Do not worry about potential “empty” days between Christmas and New Year. The secretariat will register the standard holidays/holidays you have informed about before the end of the month.
IMPORTANT!!! From 2023 ProMark will no longer be used and you should not register on 2023 dates in the system. Below you can read more about what will happen in 2023.
End of ProMark and start of mitHR from 2023 (relevant for all employees!)
From the beginning of 2023 AU’s new HR system mitHR will replace Promark and other administrative AU systems. In the future mitHR will be the system we use for project time registration, holiday/absence registration, SDD etc.
The new HR system is an important part of AU’s digitalization strategy and will ensure uniform digital solutions to support HR processes and project time registration.
OTL is the part of mitHR used for time registration. With the introduction of mitHR, AU will switch from time registration to time allocation. This means you will only need to register time on projects, where the project granter specifically requires time registration.
All other projects will have time allocation, meaning that project economists and project holders in cooperation allocate project hours to employees. Hereafter employees shall not register the hours spent on the project(s).
The time allocation means that overall we will register project hours on lesser projects than we do today.
Those of you that will have to register all or some of you time in OTL will be informed in a separate mail later today, Friday 16 December 2023.
mitHR will not be open for employees before 25 January 2023. Those who will need to register project time must keep track of project hours manually until then. As we inform the relevant employees we will also provide a suitable excel sheet for this.
Holidays and absence in mitHR
With the implementation of mitHR, self-service will be introduced to a certain extent. This means employees will be able to get a full overview of their available holidays, already taken and future holidays, etc.
The self-service will also mean the ability (and possibly requirement of) registering some types of absence themselves.
The secretariat has still not been fully introduced to the system, so we cannot inform you about the exact procedures. Until you are informed about other you should therefore act as normal, and inform about absence and holidays.
Introduction to and more information about mitHR
As you may have already noticed the implementation of mitHR still has many unknowns. The secretariat closely follows the process and we will inform you about any relevant information as soon as we have it, while we will also keep ourselves from drowning you in not so relevant/important info-mails.
In the weeks leading to the employee launch of mitHR on 25 January 2023 you will have the possibility to attend courses on how to act in and use the system. Both when it comes to registering project hours, registering absence/holidays and getting an overview of your holiday situation.
The courses are arranged by the implementation group and the secretariat is not directly involved. Therefor we cannot give you more information about this at the current time.
If you are interested in learning more about the new HR-system, a page for mitHR has been created at AU’s employee portal.
You are also welcome to contact the secretariat on if you have any questions – we will do our best to answer them.