Workplace Assessment 2022

In the spring 2022, the majority of the Department's staff took part in a workplace assessment (WPA) and completed an online questionnaire about the physical and psychological conditions in our workplace. We achieved a good response rate, and the chair of BCE's Occupational Health and Safety Committee, Morten Dam Rasmussen, was able to present the main results of the survey at the staff meeting in April.

The Occupational Health and Safety Committee (LAMU) and the Liaison Committee (LSU), as well as the management of the Department, have worked together to develop an action plan for the psychological working environment, which will ensure that the focus areas identified in the workplace assessment are followed up.

The Action Plan has three main areas of focus:

  • Improvement of well-being and prevention of stress
  • Yearly Staff Development Dialogue (SDD)
  • Workplace culture and communication

As an employee you can, through the department's Sharepoint site, access BCE's WPA report and the action plan for the psychological working environment, by clicking on the link in the top right cornor.

LAMU is working on finding solutions to the many reported physical challenges. Employees are continuesly informed about the process.