Updated internal processes and workflows

We have gathered important information about some updated internal processes and workflows for everyone to familiarise themselves with.

We have gathered important information about some updated internal processes and workflows for everyone to familiarise themselves with:

  • Onboarding of new colleagues: New and updated information on the staff website
  • Recruitment and job postings: How our internal process works at BCE
  • Procurement of IT equipment: Our internal rules on financing IT equipment
  • Air travel: New guidelines from the faculty and secretariat
  • Registration of working hours: New procedures are on the way at AU

Onboarding new colleagues at BCE
The secretariat has gathered new and updated information for both new employees and managers/colleagues in a new onboarding section on the staff website. Part of the information is aimed at you as a new colleague at BCE. Another part is written hiring managers and colleagues for new employees.

As a new employee, you can find a lot of information about BCE's buildings, practical information about kitchenettes and office design, booking meeting rooms and catering, department cars and special information for international colleagues.

If you are the hiring manager or colleague of a future new employee, you can find information about what the secretariat does in connection with onboarding and what is the section/team's responsibility.

All new employees must be assigned a “buddy”, who is appointed by the hiring manager. On the employee portal you can read about what the role of a buddy is.

To supplement the information on the staff website, we have prepared a set of intro-slides/welcome folder that will be sent to new employees together with the welcome email from the secretariat. The intro slides can also be used by the hiring manager, buddy and other colleagues.

See it all on the staff website here.

Recruitment and job postings: How our internal process works at BCE
Important message to all hiring managers and group leaders: Previously, approved job postings had to be sent to HR with a copy to Azra from the secretariat. The process has been adjusted so that the approved job posting only needs to be sent to Azra, who then checks and forwards it to HR. All information about recruitment and the job posting process can be found on the staff website here.

The cost of using different job portals/websites for advertising varies greatly. See examples of prices and what you need to be aware of on the staff website. Advertising costs should be covered by project funds as far as possible. If costs cannot be covered by project funds, advertising is financed by the budget for the section in question.

Purchasing IT equipment: These are our internal rules
Everyone should familiarise themselves with BCE's internal rules regarding the purchase of IT equipment, which can be found on the staff website. It describes, among other things, who approves the purchase of IT equipment, a sustainable approach to procurement and rules on how IT equipment is financed.

Purchases of IT equipment must be covered by project funds as far as possible, and in cases where this is not possible, the section budgets cover the costs.

Air travel: Goals to reduce the carbon footprint of air travel in AU's climate strategy
AU's climate strategy includes a goal to reduce the carbon footprint from air travel. As part of the work to achieve this goal, all departments must work to raise awareness of AU's travel policy. On BCE's staff website, you can read about AU's climate strategy and travel policy as well as ‘5 important points when considering travelling’. You can also find information on how to book travel and settle travel expenses.

Registration of working hours: New procedures at Aarhus University
On 1 July, a new law on the registration of working hours came into force in Denmark. The registration requirement is part of an EU directive and covers all Danish workplaces - both public and private organisations.

Together with the other Danish universities, Aarhus University is following the recommendations from the Danish authorities how the law should be interpreted and implemented in the university sector. The universities became aware of the possibility of exempting certain employees late in the process. To ensure a good process for the practical implementation of the law at Aarhus University, the implementation will therefore start in August. After that, more information will be provided to both managers and employees, and committees will be involved.

Read more about the new rules and their implementation here.