Recruitment with prior advertisement


When hiring with a job posting, HR's templates must be filled out. There are the following templates:

  • VIP (English)
  • VIP Diplomingeniør (Danish)
  • TAP (Danish)
  • TAP (English)
  • DVIP/DTAP (Danish)

Find the templates at the bottom of the HR page, under "Material for hiring manager" by clicking here.

The process

At the bottom of this page, the box "The process of hiring with an advertisement" gives you an overview of the process of hiring with an advertisement.

Please note that templates for job advertisements should no longer be sent to HR, but instead to the secretariat (

Advertising costs

Where possible, advertising costs must be covered by project funds. Therefore, as a grant holder, you must consider this when preparing project applications. If expenses cannot be covered by project funds, advertising is financed by the budget of the section in question.

Jobs are advertised on different websites, and in HR's templates you need to decide which websites to use.

There is a big difference in the price of different websites. The following websites are free of charge and job postings are published automatically:

It is mandatory to also choose an international website to advertise on. Unless otherwise stated, the position will automatically be posted on The price for this is approx. DKK 600.

Be aware of the following sites as they charge a high price for advertising:

Deadlines from HR

HR has processing times for all hires, and the complexity depends on the nationality of the employee to be hired, among other things. AU HR has set deadlines for when HR must receive cases from departments. In this context, HR's processing time starts when the department has completed the entire recruitment process with interviews, assessment, salary negotiations, etc. In other words, HR's case processing does not start until the decision to hire has been made.

The deadlines are as follows:

  • No later than 30 days before the start date for Danes
  • No later than 60 days before the start date for EU citizens
  • No later than 90 days before the start date for non-EU citizens

 All employment must start on the 1st or 15th of the month.

Further information regarding Tech hiring guidelines and procedures can be found here:

The process for recruitment with prior advertisement




Specific for the Bachelor of Engineering structure


Approval of the economy and recruitment

Project owner

Approval by email from controller/project finance administrator (economy) and head of department (recruitment


Prepare job advertisement

Project owner

Links for templates

VIP (English)

VIP Bachelor of Engineering (Danish)

TAP (Danish)

TAP (English)

DVIP/DTAP (Danish)

VIP Diploma Ingineer (Danish)


Job advertisement is forwarded to the secretariat

Project owner

Via email


Declaration of impartiality

Project owner / the secretariat

Declaration of impartiality form

Declaration of impartiality form


Emply forwards notifications to head of department, project owner, HR, and the secretariat – this includes approval of the assessment committee by the Academic Council



Create Medarbejderstamkort (MSK)


The secretariat creates a case for HR


HR draws up an employment contract


Salary negotiation takes place


Welcome email


The secretariat forwards a welcome email and an IT welcome email to the new employee before beginning of employment

Description of BCE for job advertisements

Copy this text about BCE into the template field ”Who we are/about us”:

Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering was established on January 1, 2021 in connection with Aarhus University’s reorganization of the engineering area. The department employs around 175 people and is responsible for research and education within the department’s scientific areas. We educate both Bachelors and Masters of Science in Engineering and around 825 students are enrolled in our study programs. Furthermore, we also offer an ambitious PhD program. Our PhD students have high academic ambitions and deliver high-quality results for both the private and the public sectors.

At the Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering, focus is on living systems, the biology of organisms, efficient production, and transformation of chemicals, materials and energy. We translate knowledge within biotechnology, food technology, environmental technology, chemical engineering, industrial biotechnology, medical biotechnology and electrochemical engineering, and more into new technologies and value-creating solutions that can also be used in the business community.

  Many of our research and development activities are based on companies' specific innovation needs or specialist application areas. Close collaboration with the public sector and private businesses ensures that the knowledge and technology generated in the department's research environments has a clear anchoring in reality and benefits the surrounding society. We also provide research-based public sector consultancy and advice on technology in agriculture and food.