Are you onboarding a new employee or colleague?

Recruitment and employment

If you are hiring a new employee in your team or group, you can find information about the procedure, both with and without advertisement, under Recruitment of staff. Pay particular attention to the process for hiring with an advert, including information for the secretariat and how advertising costs are covered.

The secretariat's role in onboarding new employees

Prior to a new employee joining the organisation, the secretariat arranges the following: 

  • Welcome email to the new employee with a copy to the relevant manager, including BCE intro slides.
  • Orders access card and key, if applicable.
  • Contacts the relevant manager to clarify office space. 
  • Sends the manager a template for text on the employee portal about the new employee for manager's input.
  • Reminds manager to order IT equipment and mobile phone if there is no equipment that the new employee can take over from someone else.
  • Adds the new employee to relevant BCE mailing lists.

The secretariat assists section leaders in ordering IT equipment and mobile phones for new VIPs from assistant professor level upwards.  

Group leaders provide IT equipment for postdocs and PhDs themselves or delegate it to a colleague in the group/team. 

The role of the section/research group in onboarding new colleagues

The manager of the section, team or group is responsible for the professional and social onboarding of new employees. The manager involves the group's colleagues in the welcome, professional introduction and social integration into the team.  

All new colleagues at BCE are assigned a buddy. Read more about the role of a buddy below. It is always the hiring manager's responsibility to appoint a buddy well in advance of the new employee joining. 

Section/team tasks BEFORE the first working day

  • Reply to the secretariat regarding office space and input to the employee portal about the new employee.
  • IT equipment and mobile phones for the new employee. See guidelines for e.g. financing and standard equipment under Purchasing
  • The manager appoints a buddy for the new employee and informs the rest of the team about who it is. 
  • Intro programme for the new colleague. For inspiration: See an example of how to build an intro programme here.  
  • Clarify the date for the first day with the new employee. 
  • Plan the first day, including a welcome breakfast in the team. 
  • Book the new colleague for relevant meetings in the Outlook calendar. 

Section/team tasks on the FIRST working day

  • Welcome the new colleague - remember to agree on a meeting time and place in advance. 
  • The buddy should be present on the first day. If the buddy is unavailable, another colleague should help ensure a good welcome for the new colleague. 
  • The manager holds a start-up meeting with the new employee. The manager can hand out BCE intro slides, which the secretariat also sends to the new employee together with the welcome email. 
  • Buddy or another colleague shows the new employee his/her office space and gives a tour of the building.  
  • Buddy or other colleague arranges for the new colleague to have lunch with the team. 

The first three months

The manager/group leader is responsible for ensuring that a three-month review is held after the first three months of the new employee's employment. Guidance for the three-month review can be found under Tools and checklists on this page.

During the first three months, it is the responsibility of the section/team to ensure that the new colleague is introduced to relevant partners, BCE's employee portal, AU procedures, and systems, etc. 

Depending on what the new colleague will be working with, the manager assesses what is relevant to introduce the new employee to. For example, it is the manager who decides which introduction to project finances, project controllers, funding procedures, etc. is relevant, and it is the manager who gives the introduction or delegates it to the buddy or another colleague in the team.  

Relevant information can be found on BCE's employee portal. AU HR has prepared various inspiration and help for a successful onboarding that managers, buddies and colleagues can utilise. Find it all here.

Are you a new colleague's buddy?

The manager/group leader is responsible for appointing a buddy for all new employees. A buddy is a colleague who has a special focus on the new colleague's social integration in the workplace.  

As a buddy, you contribute to welcoming the new colleague on the first working day, having lunch together, answering questions about social or informal rules and norms, introducing colleagues, etc. 

A buddy focuses on introducing the new employee to the organisational culture. For international employees, it is especially important to be aware of cultural differences and to introduce the new colleague to the culture of a Danish workplace, including informality, humour and sometimes irony. 

Specifically in relation to international employees

Managers, buddies and other colleagues must pay special attention to introducing international colleagues to AU's offers for this target group.  

Make the new colleague aware of AU's intro webinar for international colleagues and the many offers from the International Staff Office. These offers are also mentioned in the BCE intro slides that the secretariat sends to the new colleague together with the welcome email. 

Also introduce the new employee to the International Staff Office (ISO), which offers help, advice and activities for international employees at AU.